Coaching for start-ups

Do you have an innovative business idea and want to ensure that it is successful on the market? Or are you looking for the optimal financing strategy for your start-up and want to attract investors?

BayStartUP is the central point of contact in Bavaria for founders with visionary ideas. The coaching offers comprehensive support in the development of your idea The services include:

  • Evaluation of the marketability of your idea
  • Support in the development and optimization of your financing strategy
  • Networking with a broad network of investors
  • Support on the way to market launch
  • BayStartUP is your partner for the first financing rounds and encourages you on the way to your entrepreneurial success

You can find out more about support for innovative start-ups in Bavaria on the BayStartUP website (External link) .

BayStartUP financing coaching for technology and growth-oriented start-ups

Are you an up-and-coming start-up that is interested in financing coaching to realize the full potential of investor financing? BayStartUP financing coaching offers customized support for ambitious companies like yours. Experts prepare you specifically for talks with investors so that you can negotiate on an equal footing.

What does BayStartUP financing coaching offer?

  • Development of a solid financing strategy to consolidate your project economically
  • Refinement of your pitch and pitch deck through expert feedback and pitch training
  • Optimization of your relevant documents from read deck to financial planning
  • Intensive preparation for financing rounds and training in dealing with investors using the extensive BayStartUP network in the business angel and VC scene

How do you apply?

If you already have a business plan or pitch deck, you can apply directly for BayStartUP financing coaching. Simply fill out the 2-page form (External link)  and send it to

Start-up coaching for digital-savvy companies

In cooperation with the digital start-up centres, BayStartUP coaches will also accompany you individually on your entrepreneurial journey. The coaching is aimed at start-ups with digital and technology-oriented business models that are striving for robust growth. The free offer is implemented by the Digital Start-up Centres (DGZ) in cooperation with BayStartUP.

The coaching includes: 

  • Assessment of your challenges
  • Joint development of milestones
  • Optimization of your business model
  • Building a strong company organization
  • Support for financing rounds with pitch training and more
  • Development of your marketing and sales strategy
  • Assistance with personnel issues, recruiting, positioning and team conflicts

The coaching enables you to develop a long-term and sustainable business model and prepares you professionally for negotiations with industry partners and investors, among others.

Application and participation:

Priority is given to tenants of Digital Start-up Centres (DGZ), but start-ups from neighboring communities are also welcome. If you are interested, please contact your local Digital Start-up Centre for information on the coaching program. You can find out more about the BayStartUP coaching program for start-ups in Bavaria on the BayStartUP website (External link) .